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Department of Consumer Affairs
1625 N. Market Blvd., El Dorado Room (2nd Floor, #220)
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 574-7720

Ronald Reagan State Building
300 South Spring Street, Auditorium
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 897-2243

Teleconference Information
Teleconference Phone Number: (866) 509-3031
User Password: 44835535

Board Members
Nicole J. Jones, Chair
Michael Erickson, PhD
Johanna Arias-Bhatia

Legal Counsel
Norine marks

Board Staff
Antonette Sorrick, Executive Officer
Jeffrey Thomas, Assistant Executive Officer
Sandra Monterrubio, Enforcement Program Manager
Karen Johnson, Licensing Coordinator
Jacquelin Everhart, Continuing Education/Renewals Coordinator
Kelli Okuma, Associate Governmental Program Analyst

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Links to agenda items with attachments are available at www.psychology.ca.gov, prior to the meeting date.

1:00 p.m. until Completion of Business

Unless noticed for a specific time, items may be heard at any time during the period of the Committee meeting.

The Committee welcomes and encourages public participation in its meetings. The public may take appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue before the Board at the time the item is heard. If public comment is not specifically requested, members of the public should feel free to request an opportunity to comment.

1. Call To Order/Roll Call

2. Chair Welcome

3. Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda

4. Approval of Minutes: April 27, 2015

5. Review and Consideration of Legislation; Recommendations to Full Board – (Jones – Chairperson, Erickson, Arias-Bhatia)

a) Legislation Update and Review; Recommendations to Full Board (Jones)

1) AB 12 (Cooley) State Government: Administrative Regulations: Review – Position

2) AB 19 (Chang) State Government: Regulations – Position

3) AB 259 (Dababneh) Personal Information: Privacy – Position

4) AB 507 (Olsen) Department of Consumer Affairs – Position

5) AB 611 (Dahle) Controlled substances: prescriptions: reporting – Position

6) AB 618 (Maienschein) Parole: Primary Mental Health Clinicians – Position

7) AB 750 (Low) Business and professions: licenses – Position

8) AB 796 (Nazarian) Health Care Coverage: Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders – Position

9) SB 52 (Walters) Regulatory Boards: Healing Arts – Position

10) SB 128 (Wolk) – End of Life - Position

11) SB 130 (Roth) Mental Health – Position

12) SB 468 (Hill) Bureau of Security and Investigative Services: Licensees

13) SB 479 (Bates): Healing Arts: Behavior Analysis: Licensing

b) Update regarding the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) and Mandated Reporting – Penal Code Sections 261.5, 288, and 11165.1 (Jones)

c) Regulation Update and Review; Recommendations to Full Board (Jones)

1) Title 16, CCR, Section 1397.12 – Uniform Standards Related to Substance Abuse and Disciplinary Guidelines

2) Title 16, CCR, Section 1380.5 – Filing of Addresses

d) Proposed Legislative Revisions to the Business and Professions Code (Jones)

1) Section 2913: Services by Psychological Assistants

2) Section 2915: Continuing Education Requirements: Practice Outside Fields of Competence

3) Section 2947: Appointment of Commissioners on Examination; Qualifications

4) Proposed Section 2934.1: Internet Information

5) Proposed Section 2988.5: Retired License Status

6. Review and Consideration of Proposed Policy for Legislative Positions for inclusion in the Administrative Procedures Manual: Recommendations to Full Board

7. Recommendations for Agenda Items for Future Committee Meetings

8. Adjournment

All times are approximate and subject to change. The meeting may be canceled or changed without notice. For verification, please check the Board's Web site at www.psychology.ca.gov, or call (916) 574-7720. Action may be taken on any item on the agenda. Items may be taken out of order, tabled or held over to a subsequent meeting, for convenience, to accommodate speakers, or to maintain a quorum.

Meetings of the Board of Psychology are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. The public may take appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue before the Board or its committees, at the time the item is heard, but the President or the Committee Chair may, at his or her discretion, apportion available time among those who wish to speak.

The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Antonette Sorrick, Executive Officer, at (916) 574-7720 or email bopmail@dca.ca.gov or send a written request addressed to 1625 N. Market Boulevard, Suite N-215, Sacramento, CA 95834. Providing your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation.

Links to agenda items, with exhibits are available at www.psychology.ca.gov, prior to the meeting date.