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Friday, June 10, 2022
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. or until completion of business

If Joining by Computer:

Webinar number: 2484 779 6661
Webinar password: BOP06102022

If Joining by Phone:
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 248 477 96661
Passcode: 26706102

The Committee will hold the Committee Meeting via WebEx as noted above, and via telephone conference at the following locations:

Cerritos Field Office HQV
12750 Center Court Drive South
Ste 750
Cerritos, CA 90703

Milton Marks Conference Center-Monterey Room
455 Golden Gate Ave, Lower Level
San Francisco, CA 94102

8920 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 334
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Due to potential technical difficulties, please consider submitting written comments by March 18, 2022, to bopmail@dca.ca.gov for consideration.


Committee Members
Marisela Cervantes, EdD, MPA, Chair
Sheryll Casuga, PsyD
Stephen Phillips, JD, PsyD

Board Staff  
Antonette Sorrick, Executive Officer
Jonathan Burke, Assistant Executive Officer
Stephanie Cheung, Licensing Manager
Jason Glasspiegel, Central Services Manager
Sandra Monterrubio, Enforcement Program Manager
Suzy Costa, Legislative and Regulatory Analyst
Sarah Proteau, Central Services Office Technician
Rebecca Bon – Board Counsel
Heather Hoganson – Regulatory Counsel

Friday, June 10, 2022


10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. or until Completion of Business

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Establishment of a Quorum
  2. Chairperson’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
  3. Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda. Note: The Committee May Not Discuss or Take Action on Any Matter Raised During this Public Comment Section, Except to Decide Whether to Place the Matter on the Agenda of a Future Meeting [Government Code sections 11125 and 11125.7(a)].
  4. COVID-19 Waiver Update (A. Sorrick)
  5. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Committee Meeting Minutes: March 25, 2022 (J. Glasspiegel)
  6. Legislation from the 2021 Legislative Session: Review and Possible Action (M. Cervantes)
    1. Board Sponsored Legislation
      1. SB 401 (Pan) Healing arts: psychology - Amendments to sections 2960 and 2960.1 of the Business and Professions Code Regarding Denial, Suspension and Revocation for Acts of Sexual Contact
    2. Bills with Active Positions Taken by the Board
      1. AB 32 (Aguiar-Curry) Telehealth
      2. SB 731 (Durazo) Criminal records: relief
    3. Watch Bills
      1. AB 225 (Gray) Department of Consumer Affairs: boards: veterans: military spouses: licenses
      2. AB 646 (Low) Department of Consumer Affairs: boards: expunged convictions
  7. Legislation from the 2022 Legislative Session: Review and Possible Action (M. Cervantes)
    1. Review of Bills for Active Position Recommendations to the Board
      1. AB 2222 (Reyes) Student financial aid: Golden State Social Opportunities Program
    2. Bills with Active Positions Taken by the Board
      1. AB 1662 (Gipson) Licensing boards: disqualification from licensure: criminal conviction.
      2. AB 1733 (Quirk) State bodies: open meetings.
      3. AB 2123 (Villapudua) Bringing Health Care into Communities Act of 2023.
      4. AB 2754 (Bauer-Kahan) Psychology: supervising psychologists: qualifications.
      5. SB 1365 (Jones) Licensing boards: procedures.
      6. SB 1428 (Archuleta) Psychologists: psychological testing technician: registration.
    3. Watch Bills
      1. AB 1795 (Fong) Open meetings: remote participation.
      2. AB 1860 (Ward) Substance abuse treatment: certification.
      3. AB 1921 (Jones-Sawyer) Correctional officers.
      4. AB 1988 (Bauer-Kahan) Warren-911-Emergency Assistance Act and Miles Hall-988-Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Lifeline
      5. AB 2080 (Wood) Health Care Consolidation and Contracting Fairness Act of 2022.
      6. AB 2104 (Flora) Professions and vocations.
      7. AB 2229 (Luz Rivas) Peace officers: minimum standards: bias evaluation.
      8. AB 2274 (Blanca Rubio) Mandated reporters: statute of limitations.
      9. SB 1031 (Ochoa Bogh) Healing arts boards: inactive license fees.
      10. SB 1223 (Becker) Criminal procedure: mental health diversion.
  8. Legislative Items for Future Meeting. The Committee May Discuss Other Items of Legislation in Sufficient Detail to Determine Whether Such Items Should be on a Future Committee or Board Meeting Agenda and/or Whether to Hold a Special Meeting of the Committee or Board to Discuss Such Items Pursuant to Government Code Section 11125.4
  9. Regulatory Update, Review, and Consideration of Additional Changes (J. Glasspiegel)
    1. 16 CCR sections 1391.1, 1391.2, 1391.5, 1391.6, 1391.8, 1391.10, 1391.11, 1391.12, 1392.1 – Registered Psychological Associates
    2. 16 CCR sections 1381.10, 1392, and 1397.69 – Retired License, Renewal of Expired License, Psychologist Fees (retired license)
    3. 16 CCR sections 1381.9, 1397.60, 1397.61, 1397.62, 1397.67 – Continuing Professional Development
    4. 16 CCR sections 1391.13, and 1391.14 – Inactive Psychological Associates Registration and Reactivating a Psychological Associate Registration
    5. 16 CCR sections 1392 and 1392.1 – Psychologist Fees and Psychological Associate Fees
    6. 16 CCR 1395.2 – Disciplinary Guidelines and Uniform Standards Related to Substance-Abusing Licensees
    7. 16 CCR sections 1380.3, 1381, 1381.1, 1381.2, 1381.4, 1381.5, 1382, 1382.3, 1382.4, 1382.5, 1386, 1387, 1387.1, 1387.2, 1387.3, 1387.4, 1387.5, 1387.6, 1387.10, 1388, 1388.6, 1389, 1389.1, 1391, 1391.1, 1391.3, 1391.4, 1391.5, 1391.6, 1391.8, 1391.11, and 1391.12 – Pathways to Licensure
    8. 16 CCR sections 1380.6, 1393, 1396, 1396.1, 1396.2, 1396.3, 1396.4, 1396.5, 1397, 1397.1, 1397.2, 1397.35, 1397.37, 1397.39, 1397.50, 1397.51, 1397.52, 1397.53, 1397.54, 1397.55 - Enforcement Provisions
  10. Recommendations for Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings. Note: The Committee May Not Discuss or Take Action on Any Matter Raised During This Public Comment Section, Except to Decide Whether to Place the Matter on the Agenda of a Future Meeting [Government Code Sections 11125 and 11125.7(a)].


Action may be taken on any item on the agenda. Items may be taken out of order or held over to a subsequent meeting, for convenience, to accommodate speakers, or to maintain a quorum. Meetings of the Board of Psychology are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise, in accordance with the Open Meeting Act.

In the event that a quorum of the Committee is unavailable, the chair may, at their discretion, continue to discuss items from the agenda and to vote to make recommendations to the full Committee at a future meeting [Government Code section 11125(c)].

The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. To request disability-related accommodations, use the contact information below. Please submit your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting to help ensure availability of the accommodation.

You may access this agenda and the meeting materials at www.psychology.ca.gov. The meeting may be canceled without notice. To confirm a specific meeting, please contact the Board.

Contact Person: Antonette Sorrick
1625 N. Market Boulevard, Suite N-215
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 574-7720

The goal of this committee is to advocate and promote legislation that advances the ethical and competent practice of psychology to protect consumers of psychological services. The committee reviews and tracks legislation that affects the Board, consumers, and the profession of psychology, and recommends positions on legislation for consideration by the Board.